Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Shepherds Hut stove build 2

 Most common tool used: the angle grinder.  I found that the casting was generous and I have had to grind all the pieces that fit together.  Though I think I have ground the cowl down a little to far.  I am hoping that fire cement will prevent this leaking too much smoke.

I think it should have been slightly proud of the rest of the casting, but I am not sure.  I had to do a lot of work on this piece to make it fit properly.  The corners proved difficult and in the end I used a Dremal with a grinding stone to slowly grind out the corners.

If I had the money I would have been tempted to get hold of a milling machine.

The other thing with cast is it is so hard, and difficult to weld so no short cuts there!  However I did use a high temperature epoxy (JB Weld) in a few places just to hold the thing together.

The damper and the stove top, were ground into the right shape and added.  Its finally looking like a stove.  The instructions said to drill out two holes on the underside of the top and tap in two screws.  I failed in this. The holes were too shallow to hold the tap properly.  The next time I am down in Bridport Foundry I will have a look to see how the have fastened them on.

I didn't want to drill straight through as that would spoil the look of the top of the stove.  

The damper was easy, and only needed a bit of filing around the sides.

Next was the ash draw and air vent.  Nice and straight forward.  I bent a piece of steel sheet to fit, pop riveting it together and using pop rivets to hold it onto the cast front plate.  The small silver knob I drilled and tapped ready for a M6 screw.  I really like the way the writing on the cast show through.  I Cant help wondering what the No1 Stove looked like as this one is pretty small.  Ideal for a shepherds hut.  When we have stayed in shepherds huts they have been so well insulated that they invariably got too hot, I am hoping this mini stove will provide enough heat without turning the hut into a sauna within a few minutes.

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