Sunday, May 3, 2020

Willow Fencing.

Willow Fencing

One of the frustrations of moving every two years is the expense of making a new garden, again and again.  I have finally hit upon a good way of forming raised beds which last about two or three years and can be easily dismantled/  (We have to return the garden to truf when we leave/)

This year I bought willow from Somerset Growers at £10.00 for 10K quick delivery time meant ti was here in a couple of days and still green enough to bend for fencing. My first attempt was not pretty, but I learnt a lot.  I am always better trying soething out first and leanrning as I go; howver the end result while not pretty was functional.

I tried a basket weaving techneque on the top but it failed and I had to improvise by wrapping withies round the top to hold it down.  I put the uprights too far apart and made the corners too sharp.  Lessons learned I tried again in the front garden.

This time I made sure the uprights were long and that they were about 10cm apart.  I put aa curve in using a hose pipe to follow.  The red T bar made putting in the withies a piece of cake.
I used two withies at a time and put a twist in after every upright this made a solid wall and looked a lot better than just the in and out I tried on my first bed.
This is after three, layers, its already looking fairly neat.

The finished article.  On the top I used a basket making finishe called 4 behind 2 in front.  There are lots of different ways to fininish but I like the siplicity of this one.

Now all I have to do is fill it with compost and fill it with plants.

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