Friday, July 15, 2016

Fishing not catching

We all have those days when we wonder why we have even bothered to put the rod together. We arrived when the sky was overcast and a slight ripple was on the water but the water was warm and the fish were just not feeding at all. It is a good job Tree Meadow is such a nice spot so we enjoyed the peace and quiet and practiced casting. 

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Bees settled in new hive

Looked in this morning after making a new roof and floor for the swarm. They are covering four national deep frames so around 8000 bees. I put a feeder on and fed them as fog and rain have set in.
Didn't have time to paint the floor. 

On a rainy morning I sealed them in the Hive and drove them up to Mid Wales, predicably the tape did not stick to the hive and after a six hour drive I opened the back of the van to find they had started to escape, thankfully they were all stuck to the outside of the hive so I quickly moved them to the wood.  Not sure what Cornish beees will think of the hills of Mid Wales.

Courgette and nasturtium

Leaving in a few months time so had to put the garden back to lawn, but could not resist planting something. 
The flowers were from last year self seeded after my experiment with square foot gardening. 

Bee Swarm

July and Nicola and I went out to get a swarm from Constantine. Small black bees so I wonder if they are wild ones.