Saturday, December 31, 2016

Frosty Fishing

A cold morning fishing at Rose River Farm. I wondered why my casting was getting harder and harder. 

Ice freezing up the rings. 
Still managed to land two nice trout. Slow retreats with small orange blob. 

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Rose River Farm

As a Christmas treat my wife booked a fishing lodge on Rose River Farm, the idea was she could enjoy the peace and quiet in a lovely cabin and I could fish.

Rose River has a lovely stretch of river which is well manged but still challenging.  However I first fished the three ponds on the farm.  In the small pond outside my cabin on the first evening I caught 9 rainbow trout, running to a pound and a half.

The next morning I drove over to the main farm and fished the main pond.  I had numerous bites on a TQ blob and finally landed a couple of Bass

Great fun, they gave a hard short fight.  My fly rod was way too heavy and I should have brought a light 4 weight, nevertheless these were great to catch.

The next morning I had the opportunity fish the river.  I do not think I have ever had such good fishing on a river.  The fish were fight fit and I lost a lot more than I caught including a three pound monster who rolled of the hook when I got my net tangled.  Ahh the ones that get away.

This is definitely a place I will be returning to again.

The evening saw me trying to catch Blue Gills in the small pond.  I have never caught these or Bass before so it was a new challenge.  From my reading before hand the trick apparently was to present the fly and then leave it with as little movement as possible.  This technique seemed to work and I brought this neat little fish to hand.

Lovely marking but no real fight.

A wonderful time in a wonderful part of the world.

Rose River Farms Web Site can be found here:

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Which pier rod?

New Pier Fishing Rod

Having moved to Norfolk VA I am surrounded by sea, and I am told some great fishing.  My good wife and I went over to Virginia Beech to have a look at the fishing pier there.  It was packed with people, not the sort of thing I enjoy.  Fishing has always been as much about the time to reflect as the catching, one or two good friends fishing with you is alright as long as it is understood that this is not a knees up, but on the whole I like fishing on my own.

I brought to America my fly fishing gear but nothing for sea, so my first task was to buy a new rod. Who does not enjoy buying rods! I searched the Internet for advice, but the Internet is so packed with conflicting advice that it makes this type of research long and laborious.  After asking around fishermen I met, including two coloured gentlemen who fish under the bridge by my apartment (not sure about the legality of fishing there, but it looks a good place) I went to Dick's Sporting Shop armed with their advice.

In the end I went for a Shakespeare Ugly Stick.  These reasonably prices ($45) fishing rods have stood the test of time, they are rugged, which I need as I am clumsy with rods, and they have good practical features like sold stainless steel rings, so they wont break when you accidentally wind through the metal swivels on your line!  The graphite, fiberglass blank is almost unbreakable.  I say almost because I have found myriad ways of breaking rods. Closing the Trunk Hatch on them is a favorite.

I have now found a quiet fishing pier as well, so things are looking up.  I hope its quiet because its hard to get to rather than quiet because there are no fish there.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Bluebell Wins

Bluebell Wins

The National Beagle Club of America, Inc. is the AKC parent club for the beagle breed, as well as the American registry and recognizing body for formal beagle, basset and harrier packs.  

My wife and I went with Ali from Middletown Beagles to watch.  We met some wonderful people and great hounds during the day. Although some of the beagles did not want to play.

His daughter Evelyn was showing blue bell. As you can see they did really well

My wife wanted to take her home with us

Hunting with the Middletown Beagles

Middletown Beagles

A bright sunny day with a cold wind did not Make it easy for this delightful pack.  Hounds are a mix of American and English hunt beagles.

Dave the huntsman, was assisted by a large number of junior whips who almost provided as much entertianment as the beagles.

Hunting the line.

Along the hedge.

Along the edge of the lake.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016


A gift from friends multi coloured eggs

She has a collection of Buff Orphintons, Frilly Lace bantams, and hybrids.  What a colourful box full.
Our remaining hen has gone to live with the Wilkinson family ready for our move abroad.  I have loved keeping hens again and when we get back they will be on the to get list quickly.

Self planted roof

Self planted roof at the farm

This lean to has stood for years underneath pine and sycamore trees.  With the current rage for planted eco roofs this is one which nature has created over the years.  Rose Bay willow herb (fireweed) and fox gloves love this shady dry spot.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Honey Harvest

Bees have done well this year. They built up quickly in the Spring and started packing honey in May. I put supers on every fortnight. 

Decapping the frames. 

Spinning off the honey. 

Chunk honey.

61lb of the hive. 

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

New door to fit frame

The stable door frame managed to be wider at the top and on a twist. I made the mistake of building the door square and then having to cut it to shape.

The wood for this door came from bookshlves I built some 20 years ago.  It has weathered well but I think after being used time and again as bookshelves this is a good end.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Fishing not catching

We all have those days when we wonder why we have even bothered to put the rod together. We arrived when the sky was overcast and a slight ripple was on the water but the water was warm and the fish were just not feeding at all. It is a good job Tree Meadow is such a nice spot so we enjoyed the peace and quiet and practiced casting. 

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Bees settled in new hive

Looked in this morning after making a new roof and floor for the swarm. They are covering four national deep frames so around 8000 bees. I put a feeder on and fed them as fog and rain have set in.
Didn't have time to paint the floor. 

On a rainy morning I sealed them in the Hive and drove them up to Mid Wales, predicably the tape did not stick to the hive and after a six hour drive I opened the back of the van to find they had started to escape, thankfully they were all stuck to the outside of the hive so I quickly moved them to the wood.  Not sure what Cornish beees will think of the hills of Mid Wales.

Courgette and nasturtium

Leaving in a few months time so had to put the garden back to lawn, but could not resist planting something. 
The flowers were from last year self seeded after my experiment with square foot gardening. 

Bee Swarm

July and Nicola and I went out to get a swarm from Constantine. Small black bees so I wonder if they are wild ones.